Common UX Issues Uncovered in Audits and How to Fix Them

Common UX Issues Uncovered in Audits and How to Fix Them
Picture of Obii Kriationz
Obii Kriationz
We, Obii KriationZ Web LLP, are a Bengaluru based product/application development firm specialising in Product life cycle management, DevOps, cloud computing and search engine campaigning.

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In the competitive digital landscape, providing an exceptional user experience (UX) is paramount to the success of any website or application. UX audits are essential tools for identifying and addressing usability issues that can hinder user satisfaction and engagement. For a UI UX company in Bangalore, conducting thorough UX audits can reveal common problems that, when fixed, can significantly improve the overall user experience. This article explores some of the most frequent UX issues uncovered during audits and offers practical solutions to address them.

1. Poor Navigation Structure

Issue: A common problem identified in UX audits is a confusing or poorly organized navigation structure. Users struggle to find what they are looking for, leading to frustration and increased bounce rates.

Solution: To fix navigation issues, ensure that the menu is intuitive and logically structured. Use clear, concise labels for navigation links and group related items together. Implement a breadcrumb trail to help users understand their location within the site. Regularly test the navigation with real users to identify areas of confusion and adjust as needed.

2. Slow Page Load Times

Issue: Slow page load times are a significant deterrent for users and can severely impact user experience. Pages that take too long to load can cause users to abandon the site, leading to lost conversions.

Solution: Reduce load times by optimizing images and other media files. Utilize contemporary web technologies such as lazy loading for images and asynchronous JavaScript loading. Ensure that your website is hosted on a fast, reliable server. Additionally, utilize browser caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) to speed up content delivery.

3. Non-Responsive Design

Issue: In today’s mobile-driven world, having a non-responsive design is a major UX flaw. Users accessing the site from mobile devices experience difficulties navigating and interacting with the site, leading to a poor user experience.

Solution: Adopt a mobile-first design approach to ensure that your site is fully responsive. Test the site on various devices and screen sizes to ensure a seamless experience across all platforms. Use flexible grids, images, and CSS media queries to adapt the layout to different screen sizes. Prioritize touch-friendly elements and ensure that buttons and links are easily clickable on mobile devices.

4. Inconsistent Design Elements

Issue: Inconsistencies in design elements such as fonts, colors, and button styles can confuse users and make the site appear unprofessional. This lack of visual cohesion can detract from the overall user experience.

Solution: Create a comprehensive style guide that outlines the design elements and their usage across the site. Ensure consistency in typography, color schemes, button styles, and iconography. Regularly review and update the style guide to reflect any changes or updates to the design.

5. Lack of Accessibility

Issue: Websites that are not accessible to users with disabilities can alienate a significant portion of the audience. Common accessibility issues include poor contrast, lack of alternative text for images, and inaccessible navigation.

Solution: Follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure your site is accessible to all users. Ensure sufficient color contrast between text and background, provide alternative text for images, and implement keyboard-friendly navigation. Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks to enhance navigation for screen readers and regularly test your site’s accessibility using tools like WAVE or Axe.

6. Overwhelming or Cluttered Layout

Issue: A cluttered layout with too much information or too many elements can overwhelm users, making it difficult for them to focus on key tasks. This can cause frustration and reduce engagement.

Solution: Embrace minimalist design principles by prioritizing content and removing unnecessary elements. Utilize whitespace effectively to achieve a clean and organized layout. Highlight important information and calls to action (CTAs) to guide users towards their goals. Conduct user testing to identify areas where the layout can be simplified.

7. Poor Form Design

Issue: Forms that are too long, complicated, or poorly designed can discourage users from completing them, leading to high abandonment rates. Common issues include unclear labels, lack of inline validation, and poor error messaging.

Solution: Simplify forms by asking for only essential information and using clear, concise labels. Use inline validation to offer immediate feedback as users complete the form. Use clear and specific error messages to guide users on how to correct their input. Design forms to be mobile-friendly, with large input fields and buttons that are easy to interact with on touchscreens.

8. Lack of User Feedback

Issue: Users need feedback to understand the outcomes of their actions. A lack of visual or auditory feedback can leave users uncertain about whether their actions have been successful, leading to frustration.

Solution: Provide clear and immediate feedback for user actions, such as button clicks, form submissions, and navigation choices. Use visual cues like loading animations, success messages, and error notifications to inform users of the status of their actions. Ensure that feedback is consistent and easily noticeable without being disruptive.


Conducting UX audits is crucial for identifying and addressing common usability issues that can negatively impact the user experience. For a UI UX Company in Bangalore, addressing issues like poor navigation, slow page load times, non-responsive design, and inconsistent design elements can significantly enhance the user experience and drive better engagement and conversions. By implementing the solutions outlined in this article, businesses can create more user-friendly and effective digital experiences that meet the needs and expectations of their audience. Regular UX audits and continuous improvement are key to maintaining a high-quality user experience in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Picture of Obii Kriationz
Obii Kriationz
We, Obii KriationZ Web LLP, are a Bengaluru based product/application development firm specialising in Product life cycle management, DevOps, cloud computing and search engine campaigning.
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